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Surealworld poetry : Dirty Hands

A poem reminding followers of Christ,that we have a decision to make,to lay back in our easy chairs, or to get our hands dirty,and work in God's field. Surealworld Illustrations
15 dicembre 2010

The field has been purchased ,
The field has been fertilized,
by the blood of The Vine Dresser.

The Vine Dresser is in the market square,
hiring hands that are willing to work His land.
 The Vine Dresser promises to share the fruit of the harvest,
with ever hand that work His land.

Will you get your hand dirty,
by working in the Vine Dresser's field,
or will you lay back in your easy chair?

Be quick to make up your mind,
for day light is burning fast.
The harvest ends at the approach of night.

The field has been purchased ,
The field has been fertilized,
by the blood of The Vine Dresser.

The Vine Dresser promises to share the fruit of the harvest,
with ever hand that work His land.

Written by Stephen J. Vattimo  October 20,2010

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